Cristina del Valle is a spanish singer who had a great success as part of the duet Amistades Peligrosas (I liked a song titled "más trigo y más pan") and then she made a career as a solo.
A few years ago in 2002 she created la "Plataforma de mujeres artistas" (artist women platform) to support the fight against the violence that many women in Spain and in many other countries in the world suffer by her husbands or partners. They also carry out many solidarity initiatives in different countries (Sahara, Palestine, Afagnistan, Mexico-Ciudad Juarez, etc). This platform is formed by singers, actresses, writers, musicians, etc. I have to say that they have not only the support of women artists, but also by some men artists.
Since 2004, they are travelling every Christmas to Palestine to organize a Festival in favour of the Peace in Palestine. This year they will be performing again in a concert in Bethlehem on Christmas's Eve, Manger's Square (under the name "Mujeres Artistas por la Paz en Oriente Medio". They will be singing, reading poems, doing drama..., and artists from other countries as Sweden, USA, etc will be performing too.
Yesterday I listened to Cristina on the radio explaining all these things and she said that many people from different professions are also collaboratiing in many different ways. I think it's so great things like these are done to get the Peace and the union of all the countries in the world.
More information here
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