Showing posts with label television. Show all posts
Showing posts with label television. Show all posts

Sunday, August 3, 2014

A happy summer

Verano Azul (Blue Summer) is a beautiful example of how happy kids can be when they play freely in nature in a healthy way during the summer holiday.

Singing "No nos moverán" on sailor ship. Source: @tve_tve

The idol (El ídolo) - Episode 15
I enjoyed very much this episode. It's about a singer, fans, fame and being oneself.
Watching this old tv series again is such a happiness... And this episode is all great. I'd love it had subs in English... It's about a super popular singer that comes with TV to the village to film some videos surrounded by fans. The two girls of the friends group are very excited, as one has even the poster hang on her room wall. The boys feel just curious and also excited TV is coming. The singer looks unhappy and fed up of all those "hired" fans, his manager just think of business. Sailor man doesn't know him as doesn't have any TV or radio set. During the filming of a video, the singer falls in the sea, but can't swim and the boys rescue him. "Journalist" of singer team publishes a fake story saying that the singer rescued one of the boys.

Two musical moments... Soy como tú (video), Te doy (video).
That same singer participated, with his true name, on a popular music festival (video)
Watch episode on rtve

Shall we not be moved (No nos moverán) - Episode 17
A real estate wanna build lots of flats towers at the coast village. The sailor man doesn't wanna sell his ship-house, despite he's been offered a large amount of money. The village shop men accuse him of egoist, because he's not accepting a "social" use of property. The unscrupulous "brick" men try to bully him by putting wires around the ship and, later, by taking machines to his property, despite a welcome ban of building high buildings. The sailor man doesn't wanna use gun violence as his barman friend suggests. The group of friends defend the ship with music. 

This episode shows us how with just a guitar and a song we can build for Peace. The first time I listened the song "No nos moverán" was thanks to this tv series. Just a few years ago I knew it was a popular song by Joan Baez (video).

Moments singing "No nos moverán": video (with sailor man on ship), video (when the machines start destroying the tomato plants around the ship). The girls of the group don't appear on the songs.
Watch episode on rtve

Other episodes I like
- The meeting (El encuentro) - Episode 1. Watch on rtve
- Do not kill my planet please (No matéis mi planeta por favor)- Episode 2.  Watch on rtve. Beach pollution.
- Pancho Panza - Episode 3.  Watch on rtve. Sancho Panza: Don Quixote's faithful adventures pal. Paella.
- Beatriz mon amour - Episode 7.  Watch on rtve. Funny scene in a summer cinema with Doris Day's song.
- The cave of the green cat (La cueva del gato verde) - Episode 10.  Watch on rtve. Trip to find a cave of a green cat, they actually discover another one. Not missing kite thread...
- The bottles (las botellas) - Episode 11.  Watch on rtve. Mysterious bottles appear with love messages at the beach. The importance of forgiveness and reconcile.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mis recuerdos de Eurovisión, the genuine Eurovision Song Contest

   Mi primer recuerdo del Festival de Eurovisión me lleva a cuando ganó Israel con el tema “Halleluyah”; por entonces era muy pequeñita, y me puse muy contenta porque era la canción que quería que ganara. Siempre lo he seguido con gran ilusión, en la españa de los ochenta no había ni internet, ni televisión en v.o, ni tdt, ni emisoras de radio que emitieran en inglés u otros idiomas aparte del español. Para mí era fantástico el poder escuchar cantar en inglés, en italiano, en francés, en alemán, en griego, en sueco, en turco, en hebreo, en árabe...
   El segundo recuerdo infantil que tengo en que ganó también la canción que yo quería, fue en 1981 cuando un grupo del Reino Unido de chicos y chicas vestidos con trajes de colores cantó “Making your mind up”.
   La verdad es que conforme fui creciendo fui apoyando a España con el corazón y a la canción que más me gustaba con el alma. Entre las que más me han gustado representando a España se encuentran: Cadillac “Valentino” (1986), La Década Prodigiosa “Made in Spain” (1988), Sergio Dalma “Bailar Pegados” (1991), Serafín Zubiri “Todo ésto es la música” (1992), etc
   Era el festival europeo más internacional que pudiera haber en torno a la música y las buenas canciones. United Kingdom 1 point, Le Spagne 3 points, ¿os suena verdad?
   Una de las cosas que más me gustaban era cuando el presentador o presentadora del festival introducía un país y decía: ¡España!, intérprete y título de la canción, autor, y... dirige la orquesta el maestro Juan Carlos Calderón o Eduardo Leyva. Por si no os habéis dado cuenta jóvenes lectores, antes cada país llevaba su director de orquesta! Cualquier buen cantante que se aprecie debe saber cantar al compás de una orquesta y no sólo con sonidos pregrabados. Por otro lado, un festival de música que se aprecie debe llevar incorporado una orquesta, al menos esa es mi opinión. El Festival de San Remo es un gran festival porque continúa con orquesta, lo cuál no quiere decir que sea incompatible con ritmos más vanguardistas y modernos.
   "Reivindicaciones para que el Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión vuelva a ser lo que es", ¿de la canción?, sí habéis leído bien, a la organización o a los países participantes, se les ha olvidado que es un Festival de Can-cio-nes, y no un espectáculo internacional de variedades.
   1. Recuperar la orquesta y la figura del director de orquesta representante de cada país.
   2. Que Italia vuelva a participar llevando al ganador del Festival de San Remo, como hacía antes.
   3. Que cada país cante en su lengua o en una de las lenguas oficiales, y que el inglés sólo pueda utilizarse para alguna frase de la canción, si el país no es de lengua inglesa.

   4. Que no se permita que la puesta en escena supere a lo que es la canción y la interpretación en sí.
   España Eurovisión 2010: Daniel Diges "Algo Pequeñito"  

   My first memory of the Eurovision Song Contest takes me to when Israel won with the song "Halleluyah", I was very little by that time, and I was very happy because it was the song I wanted to win.I've always followed it with great enthusiasm, in Spain in the eighties there was no internet, no television in o.v., or DTT, or radio stations broadcasting in English or other languages but Spanish. It was fantastic to me being able to hear singing in English, Italian, French, German, Greek, Swedish, Turkish, Hebrew, Arabic ...
The second memory as a child that also the song I wanted won, was in 1981 when a UK group of boys and girls in colored costumes sang "Making your mind up."
   The truth is that as I got older I went to Spain to support the heart and the song I liked with the soul. Among the ones I liked representing Spain include: Cadillac "Valentino" (1986), La Década Prodigiosa "Made in Spain" (1988), Sergio Dalma "Bailar Pegados" (1991), Serafín Zubiri "Todo ésto es la música "(1992), etc.
   It was the most international Festival that could be respect to music and good songs. United Kingdom 1 point, Le Spagne 3 points, do u recall?
   One thing I liked was when the presenters of the festival introduced a country and said, Spain performer and song title, author, and... directs the orchestra the maestro Juan Carlos Calderón or Eduardo Leyva. In case you have not noticed young readers, before each country had its conductor! Any good singer who should appreciate knowing how to sing to the beat of an orchestra, not just prerecorded sounds. On the other hand, a true music festival should have incorporated an orchestra, at least that's my opinion. The Festival of San Remo is a great festival because it continues with orchestra, which does not mean it is incompatible with most pioneering and modern rhythms.
   "Claims for the Eurovision Song Contest again be what it is", Song?, Yes you read that right, to the organization or the participating countries, they have forgotten that it is a S-o-n-g festival and not an international show of varieties.
   1. Get the orchestra and the conductor figure representative of each country back.
   2. Italy comes back with the San Remo Festival winner, as before.
   3. Every country singing in his language or one of the official languages, and that English is used only for some phrase of the song, if the country is not English.

   4. The staging is not allowed to exceed what is the song and the interpretation itself.
   Spain Eurovision 2010 Daniel Diges "Algo Pequeñito

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Foreign Exchange: The mysterious key

It's ages I haven't seen a good serie on TV, one of those that make you dream of the most wonderful of adventures, magic and intrigue. On Disney Channel I've had the chance of discovering a serie called Foreign Exchange (Al otro lado) that although is not a Disney Production it has everything to be an interesting product for children, kids, and teenagers of all ages. I hadn't had so much fun since "El Pequeño Detective" (Stick with Me,Kid) by Disney.

The plot is about a teenager boy from australia that discovers a magical secret door that communicates directly with a boarding school in Ireland, where he makes friendship with an irish girl; a travel from Perth to Gallway in just a second, isn't that fabulous?.

Every episode is full of moments of exciting intrigue and all the actors are wonderful, especially the australian boy's little sister (Chelsea Jones), called Meredith in fiction; one of the boys in the school, the intelligent Cormac (Robert Sheehan), and Miss Murphy, the director of the school, a sort of Miss Trunchbull - with more from Miss Honey played by a brilliant beautiful irish actress called Barbara Griffin.

I've been searching information about the serie, but I haven't found so much as I'd have liked it.

I think that what is not good for a child it cannot be good for an adult, and what is good for a child is very good for both. I would like that more films of that kind were made instead of spending a lot of money on so many films of doubtful sense of humour, with violence and with expensive effects that have nothing to give to the human being.

This serie is a open book that will take you to the most wonderful of dreams.

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